Browse any video (FLV file) from your device’s local storage and upload one or multiple videos you want to convert to the online converter. We offer unlimited daily MP3 conversions!
Convert FLV to MP3
Select a preferred audio format and quality (bitrate) of your choice from the provided options.
Download Your MP3
Click on the “Convert” button to start the process and download the converted MP3 file.
Why Choose
Free & Fast & High-Quality is 100% free and supports an ultra-fast MP3 conversion process. No registration and installation required.
All Devices & OS Supported
Our browser-based MP3 converter is compatible with all devices and platforms: Android, iPhone, PC or Mac, etc. No matter what OS you are using, you can enjoy our website!
Data Security Guaranteed
We guarantee file security and privacy. Your files get deleted automatically, no one will have access to them except you.
What is FLV file?
The FLV format is developed by Adobe to originally contain files delivered by the Adobe Flash Player. Since it is a free media format and provides excellent compression results, it was soon adopted by other media players (like VLC and Winamp) and platforms. It supports the encoding of H.264 video and HE-AAC audio with diverse online and offline usage of media playback.
What is MP3 file?
MP3 is the most popular coding format to contain and store digital audio files across various systems. It is an open format that was first released in 1991. Just like MP4, MP3 is also a lossy format, but it is vastly used on different tools and devices due to its universal compatibility.
Yes, you can extract audio from any FLV video by using a reliable online or offline MP3 converter tool. Most of these FLV to MP3 converters are freely available.
Will the audio quality be affected while converting FLV to MP3?
This would depend on the type of converter you are using. If you use an effective tool, then the original audio quality of the media will be retained.
How can I convert FLV to MP3 online on Android?
Simply take the assistance of Snaptube to convert any video to audio on an Android phone. Enter the URL of the video, load it, and select MP3 as a target format to download.